Privacy Policy

The data security and privacy policy of this form describe how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (from now on, "the institution") may use the information it may collect about the user through the form.

  1. Data protection.

    The institution has used all the systems and technical measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of the data provided by the user. However, the user must be aware that internet security measures are not impregnable.

  2. Information Security.

    The institution has used all systems and technical measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided by the user, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided by the user. However, the user must be aware that that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

  3. Collection and use of personal information.

    When the user registers on the website, the institution may request certain personal information. The institution uses the data collected through the website to register the user on it and send the information or services requested. The institution will process the personal data of the user, whenever this is a requirement to provide a better service and always within the limits permitted by law. The institution assumes the commitment not to collect unnecessary information about the user.

  4. Analysis of log information.

    The institution may store and make use of the IP addresses contained in the log files in order to analyze trends, manage the site and track the use of the site as a whole. The global information collected can be used to personalize the response to the user. The institution does not associate IP addresses with personally identifiable information.

  5. Transfer of personal information to third parties.

    The institution may assign personal information of the user exclusively to other institutions of the government of El Salvador and only in the case that this assignment is necessary to execute a service or process that the user has expressly requested through the site Web. With exception of the previous case, the institution does not sell, assign or transmit in any way personal information of its users to third parties.

  6. Applicability to other websites.

    The institution's website may contain links to other sites. The institution has no control over and responsibility for the data protection policies or measures of other websites.

  7. Use of user's email address.

    The institution can send emails to the user, once their address is provided by them and under the conditions expressly accepted. To protect the user's privacy, the user has absolute control over the receipt of such emails.

  8. Changes to the security and data protection policy.

    he institution reserves the right to modify security and data protection policy at its discretion, always in accordance with current legislation on data protection, with effect from the date of publication of such a modification on the institution's website.

  9. We retain information for as long as necessary to provide for compliance with legal obligations and protect our interests or those of other parties. We decide how long we need the information based on each case.